Saturday, April 25, 2009

Invention Could Prevent Blindness

Thomas Moore, Health correspondent

A retired surgeon has invented a cut-price device that could help to prevent millions of people going blind.

The gadget - made from scraps of wood and plastic - can spot cataracts and other eye problems.

It's cheap enough to be widely used in the developing world.

The inventor, 74-year-old Roger Armour, said he made his prototype, called a slit lamp, on the kitchen table.

"It is remarkably good," he said.

A slit lamp is used in any High Street eye test. The patient rests their chin on a bar, while the optician shines a light into their eyes and examines them through a special lens. But the equipment costs around £10,000.

Mr Armour made his version for £5, plus the cost of a camera to record images.

He used a torch, a pocket magnifying glass, lolly sticks and part of a plastic toothbrush.

The prototype has just won a Medical Futures award for innovation. He has patented his invention and is now looking for a manufacturer.

"I'm delighted because I have seen so much suffering from awful eye diseases. I hope this instrument will help people in poor countries," he said.

According to the World Health Organisation there are 37 million blind people around the globe - most of whom live in developing countries. Three-quarters of cases could be avoided or prevented if they were diagnosed in time.

Simon Hampel from the eye charity Right to Sight said any invention that reduced the cost of medical care has to be welcomed.

"If we can get our equipment costs down, we can use our money more intelligently and do more operations," he said.

Mr Armour worked in the NHS as a general surgeon. Since retiring he has invented a cheap ophthalmoscope for looking at the back of the eye. Several thousand are now used in developing countries.

"It's been great fun and given me a lot of pleasure in retirement, particularly because it's got an object at the end of it and that is to help people," he said.